Metabolism assessment $149

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Metabolic tests measure the rate at which your body burns calories and uses oxygen during rest or during different activities. There are two different tests: The metabolic assessment includes both your resting metabolic rate assessment and the V02 max assessment. At this time, Destiny Wellness Center only offers the RMR assessment. The numbers from your RMR are assembled into a personalized health program tailored to improve your specific metabolic profile and to help you to lose weight and improve overall health.

RMR Protocol:

The RMR test takes about 30 minutes. When you arrive at the testing facility, you will be asked to rest quietly for a short period of time. Then you will lay in a relaxed position and a mask or mouthpiece will be given to you to breathe into. You will continue to rest while breathing into the mouthpiece for 10-15 minutes. During this time the amount of carbon dioxide that you exhale is measured.

metabolic protocol

Before your appointment, please avoid the following:

  • No food for at least 5 hours.

  • No exercise for at least 24 hours.

  • No caffeine or any other stimulant before your appointment.

  • No smoking